Dr Mehmet Oz: How to overcome stress build up
Doctor Mehmet Oz says Transcendental Meditation improves heart health. In this extraordinary video Doctor Mehmet Oz discusses the relationship between reduced stress and improved heart health. He opens by saying: "this meditation we believe can help a lot of...
Oprah Winfrey talks Transcendental Meditation with Dr Mehmet Oz
Oprah Winfrey talks Transcendental Meditation with Dr Mehmet Oz - published as a youtube in the past few days. View the 4 minute segment here: Oprah Winfrey did a remarkable, one-on-one interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz On December 7, 2011, in his national “The Dr. Oz...
Stress is a problem for School Students
Transcendental Meditation counteracts record stress levels found in school students according to a new study published by the Journal of Instructional Psychology. The study found that Transcendental Meditation significantly reduced psychological distress in at-risk...
Thousands of Buddhist monks learn Transcendental Meditation in Asia
Over 3,000 Buddhist monks in 100 monasteries throughout Southeast Asia have learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. Why would they do this? Its about Transcendence. The monks experience their Transcendental Meditation practice as as simple, effortless and...
Oprah Winfrey does Transcendental Meditation
Oprah Winfrey really does do Transcendental Meditation. Oprah's organization OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) has just published an article about her visit to Fairfield last month. This link is to a press announcement about the premiere of her new TV series Oprah's Next...
Panchakarma in India
So you are going to do Panchakarma in India? Here is a list of considerations and things to take. I don't know how much you have been to India so am assuming not much. And if you are a TM meditator, don't leave without checking out this destination near Jabalpur,...
How to use Diet and Digestion for Optimal Body Weight
Sticking to a diet and losing weight can be difficult. Almost everyone is concerned by maintaining an ideal body weight. Either we want to lose weight or we want to put on. But eating healthy is much more than just the process of choosing the right diet and...
How to Get Bliss
We can do many things to get greater bliss in our lives. Recently on video at the Maharishi Ayur Vedic Centre Johannesbug, Vaidya Vyas gave a beautiful presentation on Manas Rasayana (mental rasayana), vedic lifestyle, and the importance of happiness. Vicki elaborated...
Transcendental Meditation can help Cancer
Transcendental Meditation can help Cancer Transcendental Meditation can help cancer sufferers in several ways. Firstly, it can provide deep peace and subjective feelings of comfort. This is important for all of us but is critically valuable in someone coping...
Oprah Winfrey joins Transcendental Meditation
Oprah meditates! She joined in group meditation in the Golden Dome in Fairfield today, according to Yahoo's Associated Content site. Boy I'd love to have seen those dear ladies' faces as Oprah walked in. Our South African friend in Fairfield reports: "This...