The One Thing Everyone Needs …

How do you get good luck? Last night Vicki described Maharishi's take on good luck at the Houghton Transcendental Meditation Centre. This is one thing everybody needs. Nature Support - good luck - call it what you like. But how do you get it? Listen to a re-recording...

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India Travel Notes

You are a meditator visiting India? You are in for a treat.  Our outbound trip will be Johannesburg-Delhi (via Dubai)-Jabalpur-Brahmasthan. Chances are, we'll all be together for these flights. At the end of the week at the Brahmasthan, you have your own options. You...

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Six Dangerous Myths About Meditation

1. ITS  NOT IMPORTANT Meditation is often dismissed as not being important enough to practice. That it is something only for hippies or yuppies who go to yoga. Nothing could be further from the truth, for meditating actually suits everyone: from all walks of life, men...

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Remarkable Experience of Meditation

Gary Greenfield and his wife Naomi are teachers of Transcendental Meditation in the USA. Recently they gave TM presentations at a centre for US war veterans. They noticed that on one of the application forms there was no address filled in on the personal interview...

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How to Make Ghee

Ghee is easy to make: put 500 gm (or any quantity you like) of butter into an open pot on a very low heat. Once it has melted you’ll need to watch it carefully for about ten minutes – because after that the buttermilk at the bottom will have been all boiled off and the temperature will skyrocket. Take it off the heat before you burn it. If it goes grey or brownish – guess what? Throw away and start over.

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Do We NEED the 10 Commandments?

Do We need The 10 Commandments? And stuff like: "If you just believe in me, you will be saved and go to heaven." This is what I was told as a child, and made to memorise. Hmmm. Wouldn't it be great if we could save our kids from having to memorise the 10 Commandments,...

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5 Ways Meditation Helps

Meditation is in the news these days. Oprah meditates. So whats the big deal? Because it helps you do a whole lot better with your life. The pressure is driving us all nuts. So where do we go for answers? Here are 5 reasons why meditation classes are a good idea.

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